I’m sorry, but when you send a postcard home from the Riviera, you are showing off right there. But if the vacation itself doesn’t suffice, sometimes folks fabricate a bit….

This nice card is typical of a type sold everywhere during the glorious postcard decade of 1910-20. People went nuts over “postals” in that decade, using them like Instant Messaging—look on the back of one, and chances are it was merely sent across town. Lovely ladies were a frequent subject; for instance, this mass produced glamor shot of one Rita Zucchetto.

However, check the message on this generic card, mailed from Norway to Portland, OR in 1913.


“K.J,” writing back to Miss Helene Lewis of Portland tries to rouse the green-eyed monster by suggesting that he has become personally acquainted with the model seen on the card. Why? The last two lines of the message make it all clear!

Menacing, faintly menacing.  I think there’s an implication that if Brother Jacobs’ dues aren’t paid, the crack team will do…something.