

The Grim Reaper

A couple of cards from the “Cabaret of the Dead,” Paris, circa 1905. No, the guy in the coffin’s not dead—just a lucky audience member. Sob! When will time travel be invented, that I can get a ticket? And here’s hoping they have this chandelier in the gift shop.

From the St. Petersburg Wax Museum. “Hot damn!” exclaims Lee Harvey Oswald, while Officer Jim Leavelle looks only mildly disappointed at Jack Ruby’s conduct (perhaps focusing instead on his own disturbing hand deformity, or the lovingly rendered neck fat under Ruby’s fedora).

“Persistant,” indeed. Fishing is often thus perilous on postcards. Just sit down on a stump with a crudely opened can of worms, and you are in great danger of being SKELETONIZED!! This one is extra special due to a bird’s having chosen to nest right on the cadaver’s ill-formed sacrum

The dying child…a common motif from 1900-1910. I dunno, though—the “pale and dying child” looks like she’s in better shape than verklempt mom. Maybe we’ve stumbled into a Sylvan Learning Center commercial by mistake.


No brag, just fact.

Hi, we’re in Chicago! Eeeeeuw, who would send this? Note the watchful eye of the bowler-hatted supervisory chap, ever vigilant to prevent the theft of a haunch.

Trying studiously to avoid his bummer of a climbing partner. Get some Gore-Tex, dude!